Private Jet to Ibiza

Do you want to hire a private jet to or from Ibiza? At Eurosky, we operate private jet charters since 2008 and as a Spain based broker, Ibiza is one of our main destination. We indeed operate a minimum of 100 flights per annum from or to the island. We are your best choice to provide private flight to ibiza.
How does it work to book a private jet to Ibiza? How much does it cost ? In this article we will give you answers to these questions and for any urgent request to Ibiza or any other destination, contact our commercial department.
How does Ibiza Airport work with private jet?
The Balearic island attracts lots of different passengers: from VIP’S invited to a party, Dj’s who have a show in a Club, families who want to enjoy the glamorous touch of the island, up to people who want to enjoy the calm of the north of Ibiza.
As everyone wants to travel at the same time, things get complicated in term of traffic and dispatch. During summer weekends, Ibiza airport registers more than 600 movements per day, whether only 450 on a week day or not more than 50 movements during the low season.
The constant growth of flights complicates the management of the slots and parking at Ibiza Airport. Some restrictions have been set:
What are the restrictions for private jet at Ibiza Airport?
- Slots request can be made only 15 days or less prior to departure for non regular flights. And requesting a slot on a Friday for a Saturday can result impossible. Most of the time the request will be denied or with a night slot granted.
- Parking of is an issue. Parking a jet at Ibiza for more than 3 hours for large jet planes is impossible forcing those “big boys”to overnight in Valencia airport, alicante or even Barcelona sometimes. As for smaller jets it is getting more and more complicated to obtain overnight parking in a week day and this has a huge impact of the price calculation.
What is the price of a private jet flight to Ibiza?
The price of the rental of a private jet to Ibiza depends on many factors:
- The number of passengers, the amount of luggage and the distance to fly will mark the type of aircraft you will require from a very light jet to an ultra-long range. The price per hour can go from 2.000 euros to 10.000 euros.
- Another key factor is the availability of the aircraft at the time of your request and booking. At Eurosky we always look for the best solutions amongst the one that are available in the market to avoid any bad surprises in the prices.
- Obtention of an overnight parking at ibiza.
what is the price for repositioning a private jet from / to Ibiza
The cost of repositioning in case no overnight parking is granted at Ibiza will depend on where It will be operated and on the type of jet. If we consider Valencia ( 30 min flight time), the costs can be between 4.000 for a light jet and 10.000 euros for a Heavy jet.
Is ibiza a fixed base of private jet?
Ibiza Airport has usually no private aircraft based all year and available for charter market. yet, opportunities exist during the high season:
- empty leg possibilities in the case of flight arrival with passengers but flying back empty to its following flight or base. ( London- Ibiza with passengers, and then the jet have to fly empty to London)
- Owners that fly to ibiza and then leave their jet parked nearby.
During the high season, many jet owners are used to fly from North Europe to the Balearic islands. Once they have flown, they leave their private jets parked in the area where they can be available for the charter market. Our commercial team can search for you the best jets at the best rate. We can even have some empty legs opportunities.
Example of prices for a private jet charter to Ibiza:
Find below a sample of some of the most popular routes we operate to Ibiza:
price for Nice – Ibiza by private jet:
- from 6.000 euros with a very light jet ( citation mustang, 4 seats).
- staring from 9.000 euros with a citation jet 2+ light jet
- from 12.000 euros with a super light jet such as Learjet 75
price for a private jet flight London to Ibiza:
with a very light jet, the flight is usually on the edge, that is why we recommend at least a Light jet or a super light jet in case you have big luggage’s.
- In some occasions, we have manage to operate London Ibiza for 8000 euros with a light jet, normal price would one more likely 11-12000 euros with a Hawker 400XP equipped with 7 seats.
- Starting from 16.000 euros with a Citation XLs+.
- from 20.000 euros with a Hawker 900xp or a Citation Latitude
- from 28.000 euros with a legacy 650
Many other routes available upon request Manchester Ibiza, Bristol Ibiza….
These prices are an example of some flights we have operated. Different solutions can be offered depending on the dates, number of passengers , availability and possibility of great deals. Do not hesitate to consult us.
Where is the boarding taking place at Ibiza airport?
The access to your private jet in Ibiza is taking place in a dedicated terminal: general aviation terminal.
The terminal has been enhanced several times in the past years. Therefore, the airport is offering more parking space for private jets and more comfort in the waiting lounges.
However the high demand during the summer time makes some times the number of parking available looking very poor. Ibiza still have one unique runway and limited space for its development.
Who can I request a private flight to Ibiza?
Renting a private jet to IBIZA needs an experienced professional advice that Eurosky can offer you. During 2018 we operated more than 120 movements and traffic is getting higher year after year. Even during the year 2020, Ibiza was still on our top destination. That is why we can say that we are a adviser of choice for the destination.
Without the advice of a professional broker such as Eurosky, you can face trouble with the offer you receive due to the negligence and inexperience of many brokers: the price that you are offered may be multiplied by 3 between offer and booking!!
On a short term notice, fly to Ibiza can be complicated as the airport is just full as explained earlier: no place to park your aircraft, no slots to enter the airport or depart…At Eurosky we consider each request with a maximum of interest and we check in advance each detail so that there is no bad surprise.
With Eurosky, your only concern would be to relax and enjoy your trip to the island.
For more information and quotes contact us at