Charter flights for incentive travel – Charter for corporate events

Eurosky is the specialist if you need to Charter flights for an incentive or a corporate Event. Since 2008, we have chartered many aircrafts for all kind of corporate events. We will detail some information about this process below. If you need any charter quote, please contact our commercial department now.
What are the different stages of a charter operation?
There are several steps to follow in order to prepare an incentive charter operation:
- Need to know all the special client’s needs.
- Presentation of our proposal / confirmation of the charter flight.
- Charter flight preparation: confirm all the onboard services requested, passenger lists.
- Supervision of each stage of the charter operation (starting at the checking of all the passengers to the last luggage arrival)
What are the key points to have in mind when preparing a charter operation?
- Logistic part : to find an aircraft to transport a group of people from point A to point B. This is the less “sexy” part, it is the easiest part but not the less important, as it is not the same to fly with an aircraft of the 90’s than with a Boeing 737-800 Next generation 2020.
Also, we need to choose a liable and safe operator who must have the enough experience to be able to react fast against any unexpected situation.
- Creative part of the operation: This stage is very important for a customized flight . If all the details are well supervised our charter operation will be a success . If catering fails ( it is not good , bad presentation, poor quality), the negative effect on the overall travel can be critical. Although flight it is on time , this issue will transform your event in a failure.Here is where our job as a broker plays an important role. We help you to transform your incentive operation in a successful marketing and communication tool.
In these cases we accompany the flights .We have a member of our team on board ( Flight rider) ,who is supervising the checking procedure ,the on board service and controlling all the luggage arrives safely at destination.
What are the most popular destinations for incentive charter flights?
There are several kinds of destinations, it depends on a variety of factors: hotels capacity, flying time to destination, weather, historical interests…
The most popular are Rome, Lisbon , Malta , Athens , Heraklion and Marrakech.
To organize an incentive charter operation, it is quite easy with Eurosky’s support.
All We need to know to start is: route , dates and your special needs . We will do the rest. If you have any questions please do not hesitate to contact us emailing us to or call to +34934140986.